Strategic Plan
IBHE Strategic Plan - A Thriving Illinois
Planning Process
IBHE Annual Report
Early Child Access Consortium for Equity (ECACE)
Illinois Commission on Equitable Public University Funding
Task Force on Sexual Misconduct
Board Members
Calendar & Agendas
Board Committees
Trustee Resource Center
Statutory Responsibilities
Employment Opportunities
Staff Members
Contact Us
Advisory Committees
Student Advisory Committee
Contact Information
Institutional Complaint Hotline: (217) 557-7359
Link to Online Complaint System
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go to www.ibhe.org/foia.html
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For technical problems, ADA accessibility issues, and requesting
accessible services. Please call the IBHE or contact:
Illinois Board of Higher Education
1 North Old State Capitol Plaza, Suite 333 | Springfield, Illinois 62701-1377
Phone: (217) 782-2551 | Fax: (217) 782-8548 | TTY: (888) 261-2881
Veteran Coordinators
Behavioral Health Workforce Center
Benefits Navigators
Commission on Equitable Public University Funding
Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity (ECACE)
Equity Analysis and Planning
Housing and Opportunities that are Useful for Students' Excellence (HOUSE) Liaisons
Illinois Tutoring Initiative
Task Force on Campus Sexual Misconduct Climate Surveys
Undocumented Student Liaisons
Colleges & Universities
Institutional Profiles
Coursework for Undergraduate Admissions
P-20 Pipeline
Advanced Placement
International Baccalaureate
Reports on Academic Programs
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Illinois Postsecondary Profiles (IPP)
IllinoisCollege2Career System
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Degree Granting Colleges & Universities
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Consumer Protections
Complaint System
Private Business & Vocational Schools
Frequently Asked Questions
Approved School Directory
Annual PBVS Complaint Reports
Financial Aid
Approval & Review Process
Overview of Approval & Review Process
On-Line System Log-In
Application Fee Schedule (PDF)
List of Colleges & Universities
Colleges & Universities by Sector
Higher Ed. Regions Map
Information for Independent Institution Closure
Chart of Higher Education in IL
Map of Higher Ed. Institutions in IL
Higher Ed. Regions Map
IBHE Program Inventory
Grant Opportunities
Grant Programs Overview
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General Grants Information
Cooperative Work Study Program
Grow Your Own Teacher Education
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) •
Nurse Educator Fellowship
Nursing School Grants
Governor's Emergency Education Relief Fund
Diversifying Higher Education Faculty
Independent Colleges Capital Investment Grant Program
Colleges & Universities
Distance Education
Dual Credit
International Baccalaureate
Illinois Articulation Initiative Act and Transfer
Private Business & Vocational Schools
Frequently Asked Questions
Approved School Directory
Annual PBVS Complaint Reports
PBVS Applications System
PBVS Act of 2012 - Statute (105 ILCS 426)
Administrative Rules (PDF) - Updated 12/19/2017
PBVS Fee Schedule (PDF)
Data Collection
Illinois Higher Education Information System (IHEIS)
Fall Enrollment Survey (FES) I Preliminary Stats
Reports on Academic Programs
Annual Fiscal Reports
Tuition & Fees
Underrepresented Groups Reports
Equity Maps
Enrollment Reports
Veteran Services Act
Tuition and Fee Report
Discipline Cost Study
Green Technologies Report
Employment Plans
RAMP (Archive or Update)
IBHE Data Points
Budget Recommendations
Capital Projects
Manual & Instructions
Tuition, Fees & Subsidies
Federal COVID-19 Funding
Performance Funding
Commission on Equitable Public University Funding
Data & Tools
Dynamic Data Book
Map of Higher Ed. Institutions
Enrollment and Degree Data Tool
Illinois Transfer Dashboards
Institutional Profiles
IBHE Program Inventory
Salary and Benefits Database
Illinois Longitudinal Data System (ILDS)
News & Media
Press Releases
In the News
IBHE Online Systems
Operating and Degree-Granting Authority - Online System
NOI Search/Tracking
To run a list of all active NOIs, please click on "Search" button without selecting any search criteria. To search for particular NOIs, please select one or more search criteria below.
All Institutions
A.T.Still University
Accelerate Institute
Adler University
All American Education System (Still to be decided on the name)
Ambria College of Nursing
American Academy of Art
American Academy of Art
American Accounting Academy
American College of Education
american college of naprapathic medicine
American InterContinental University System
American International World University
American Islamic College
American Midwest University
Americare Technical School
Amron College
Anointed Child Care University
Antioch University
Antonelli College
Argosy University Chicago Campus
Argosy University Schaumburg Campus
Argosy University-Chicago Campus
Argosy University-Schaumburg Campus
Ariston University in Chicago
Aristotle University
Arizona College
Arizona College of Nursing
Arizona State University
Arkansas State University
Arlington Institute of Technology
Arrupe College
Asian American Advisory Council
Aurora University
Autonomous University of Social Movements
Ave Maria University
Avida Junior College
Ball State University
Bard College
Bastyr University
Before & After Automotive School
Behavioral Services Center
Bellevue University
Benedictine College
Benedictine University
Bethesda Bible College
Bexley Hall Seabury Western Theological Seminary Federation
Binesh Institute for Persian Studies
BIR Training Center
Black Fire Brigade Academy
Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing
Bradley University
Brookes Bible College
Brookes Bible Institute
Brookville College
Brown Mackie College-Quad Cities
Bryan University
Building Science Institute Inc.
C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago
CAAN Academy of Nursing
Calumet College of Saint Joseph (IN)
Calvary University
Campbellsville University
CampusEd, Inc. DBA Northwestern College
Cardinal Stritch University
Carrington College
Carrington College California
Catholic Theological Union
CDA Nursing school
Central Baptist Theological Seminary
Chamberlain University
Chicago Botanic Garden
Chicago Career College
Chicago College
Chicago College of Oriental Medicine
Chicago Institute of Investment
Chicago ORT Technical Institute
Chicago School of Professional Management
Chicago State University
Chicago Summer Opera
Chicago Teaching Fellows
Christian Life College
Church of Joy Reach A Generation School of Ministry & Bible
CMK Healthcare Training Center
College of Hospitality and Entrepreneurship
College of Microscopy
College of St. Athanasius
Colorado Technical University (CO)
Columbia College
Columbia College (MO)
Columbia College Chicago
Computer Systems Institute
Concordia University Chicago
Concordia University Nebraska
Cornell College
Coyne College
CS Academy College
Dabney University
DanEL Christian College
Darul Qasim College
Dayspring Bible College & Seminary
Denver College of Nursing
DePaul University
DeVry University (Closed)
DeVry University, Inc.
Doctoral Academy
Dominican University
Dominican University
Duke University
Duplichain University North
E.L. warren Ministries Int.
Eastern Illinois University
East-West University
Ecotheos International University
Education Corporation of America
Elijah Glenn Ward Family Foundation, Inc.
Elijah Glenn Ward Family Foundation, Inc. Old 2015
Elijah Glenn Ward Family Foundation, Inc. Old 2016
Eliom LTD
Ellis University
Ellis University
Ellis University (prior to 2015 change of ownership)
Ellis University 2016
Ellis University, LLC
Elmhurst University
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Worldwide (FL)
Engineering Institute of Technology
Erikson Institute
Escoffier Online Culinary Academy
Estelle Medical Academy
Evangel University
Evangelia University
Everest College/Burr Ridge
Everest College/Merrionette Park
Everest College/North Aurora
Everest College/Skokie
Excelsior University
Fastrack Institute And Development
Ferris State University
Fielding Graduate University
FIRE School of Ministry Chicago
Flashpoint, a campus of Columbia College Hollywood
Florida Institute of Technology
Fontbonne University
Four Fold Graduate School
Fox College
Francis Bacon University
Franciscan University of Steubenville
Franklin University
Franklin University (OH)
Freedom College
Garrett - Evangelical Theological Seminary
Gateway Health Foundation
Genesis Healthcare Institute LLC
Georgetown University
Global College Connection LLC
Global College of America for Medical Placement (GCAMP)
Global Colleges of America for Medical Placement
Global Technology and Healthcare Institute
Goodman Career Institute
Goodman Career Institute
Governors State University
Grace College and Seminary
Grace Educational System, Inc.
Grand Canyon University
Great Paragon Healthcare Inc
Greenville University
GRO University
Hammerstone Technology University
Hannibal-LaGrange College
Hanover College
Harrington College of Design
Hebrew Theological College
Hebrew Theological College
Hogan College
Hooke College of Applied Sciences
Hope Education Group
Illinois Board of Higher Education
Illinois College
Illinois College of Nursing
Illinois College of Nursing - Chicago
Illinois College of Optometry
Illinois Early Learning College
Illinois Institute of Fine Arts
Illinois Institute of Integrative Medicine
Illinois Institute of Nursing Studies, Inc.
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois Media School
Illinois Oriental College
Illinois State University
Illinois Wesleyan University
Indiana Tech/Indiana Institute of Technology
Indiana University
Indiana Wesleyan University
Institute for Clinical Social Work
Institute of Culinary Education
Instituto College
Interbusiness Institute
Intercessors For The Kingdom Outreach Ministries
International Career Institute
International Renewal Institute, Inc.
Internatuional Educational and Cultural Services, Inc.
IS3 Institute
ITT Tech. Inst. - Arlington Heights
ITT Tech. Inst. - Oak Brook
ITT Tech. Inst. - Orland Park
ITT Technical Institute - Chicago
ITT Technical Institute at Springfield
J´Reneé Career Facilitation
Jacqueline B Vaughn graduate School for teacher Leadership
Jaziah School of Nursing
John Amos George College
John Brown University
J'Renee College
Judson University
Kaplan University
Kaplan University (IA)
Kappa Gamma Sigma Institution of Business
Keen University
Kendall College
Kenner University
King Technology, Inc.
Kingdom Bible Training and Ministry Equipping Center
Knowledge Systems Institute
Knox College
Lake Forest Graduate School of Mgmt.
Lakeview College of Nursing
Lawrence Technological University
Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts Chicago
Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts in Chicago
Les Roches International School of Hotel Management
Les Roches International School of Hotel Management Chicago
Lesley University
Lewis University
Lexington College
Life Central Bible Institute
Lincoln Christian University
Lincoln College
Lincoln College
Lincoln College of Technology
Lindenwood University
Lindenwood University - Belleville
Lindenwood University (MO)
Logos Evangelical Seminary
Loyola University Chicago
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
MacMurray College
Madison Media Institute - Rockford Career College
Madrasah USA
Magnificent Institute of Health
Management $ Information Technology Solutions, Inc.
Marco Polo Schools, Inc.
Marquette University
Maryville University of St. Louis
McCormick Theological Seminary
McDonough District Hospital
McKendree University
MDT College of Health Sciences
Meadville - Lombard Theo. School
Methodist College
Mexico-US Solidarity Network
Miami University- Oxford Ohio
Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary
Mid-Continent Universiy KY (Closed)
Midnorth Theological Seminary
Midstate College
Midwest College of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine (WI)
Midwest Education Group
Midwest Technical Institute
Midwestern Career College
Midwestern Career College (OLD)
Midwestern University
Missouri Baptist University
Missouri Baptist University (MO)
Monmouth College
Moody Bible Institute
Morris Midwest Healthcare School of Nursing
Morrison Institute of Technology
Morthland College
Mount Moriah University
MRI institute and Consulting, Inc.
Name will be established
National American University
National Louis University
National Teachers & Educators College, Inc.
Natural Health and Healing Institute
Nauvoo University
Neumont University
New Destiny University of Theology
New Eden School of Natural Health and Herbal Studies
New Hope College
New Lake College
New Leaders
New Music School
New School for Massage
Niazee College of Osteopathic Medicine (Proposed)
North Central College
North Central University
North Park University
Northbrook College of Health Care
Northeastern Illinois University
Northern Baptist Theo. Seminary
Northern Illinois University
NorthShore University HealthSystem School of Nurse Anesthesia
Northwest Suburban College
Northwest Suburban College of Basic and Allied Health Sciences
Northwestern College (2019)
Northwestern College-Chicago
Northwestern College-Southwest
Northwestern Institute of Health and Technology
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Northwood University (MI)
Nova Southeastern University
Nova Southeastern University (FL)
Oak Point University
Olivet Nazarene University
Olivet University
Omega Healthcare Technical School
Pacific College of Health and Science (CA)
Palmer College of Chiropractic
Park University (MO)
Pathways College
PCCTI Healthcare
Prince Institute- Great Lakes
Prince Institute of Professional Studies- Great Lakes
Professional Career Certification Training Institute
Providence Baptist College
Purdue University
Purdue University Calumet
Purdue University Northwest
Quincy University
Quintessence Bible College and Seminary
Quiroga College
Quiroga College (CLOSED)
Ranken Technical College
Rasmussen College (2019)
Rasmussen College (2020)
Rasmussen University
Realtor University
Regis University
Relay Graduate School of Education
Reliance College Fund
Remnant Bible Institute
Rhema Theological Institute
Robert Morris University-Illinois
Rockford Career College
Rockford University
Roosevelt University
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science
Ross University
Rush University
Rutgers University
SAE Institute of Technology
SAE Institute of Technology (2019)
Saint Francis Medical Center College of Nursing
Saint Louis University
Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
San Damiano College for the Trades
Sanford Brown College - Chicago
Sanford-Brown College - Collinsville Campus (Closed)
Sanford-Brown College - Hillside Campus (Closed)
Sanford-Brown College - Skokie Campus (Closed)
Sanford-Brown College - Tinley Park Campus (Closed)
Santa Fe University of Art and Design
Satvis University
School of Urban Missions
Solex College
Southeast Missouri State University
Southeastern University
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southwest University of Naprapathic Medicine
Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology
Sphinx Chicago University
Springfield College in Illinois
St Augustine College
St. Ambrose University
St. Anthony College of Nursing
St. Augustine College
St. Catherine University
St. Francis Medical Center College of Nursing
St. Johns College
St. John's College
St. Xavier University
Standberry Christian Business College
State Career School
Stautzenberger College-Rockford Career College
Stellar Career College
Stellar Home Health Care
Straight To The Heart College
Strayer University
Sullivan University
SUM Bible College and Theological Seminary
TACE/School For Therapeutic Specialists
Taylor Business Institute
Telshe Yeshiva
The Academy of Behavioral Science
The Actors Club Chicago
The Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis
The Chicago School
The College of Office Technology
The Engineering Creative Institute
The Illinois Institute of Art - Chicago (2017)
The Illinois Institute of Art - Schaumburg (2017)
The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago
The Illinois Institute of Art-Schaumburg
The Illinois Institute of Art-Tinley Park
The International University of Interpersonal Communication
The J-M Institute
The John Hopkins University (MD)
The McDonald Institution of Technology
The Olive Branch School of Nursing
The Southern Baptist Theol. Sem. (KY)
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Thomas M. Cooley Law School
Touro College
Tribeca Flashpoint College
Tricoci University of Beauty Culture, LLC
Trillium University
Trinity Bible College and Graduate School
Trinity Christian College
Trinity College of Nursing & Health Sciences
Trinity International University
Ultimate Medical Academy
Unitek Learning
Universal College
Universal Islamic College of Chicago
Universal School
Universal Technical Institute
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
Universidad Pentecostal Mizpa
University of Chicago
University of Dubuque
University of Illinois Chicago
University of Illinois Springfield
University of Illinois Urbana/Champaign
University of Illinois-Global Campus
University of La Verne
University of Maryland University College
University of Missouri-St. Louis
University of Nevada, Reno
University of Notre Dame (IN)
University of Phoenix (AZ)
University of Phoenix (AZ) CLOSED
University of Southern California
University of Southern Indiana
University of St. Francis
University of the Potomac
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
University of Wisconsin-Platteville
UPL University
Upper Iowa University (IA)
Urban Teachers
Urbana Theological Seminary
Valparaiso University
VanderCook College of Music
Vatterott College
Veritas Bible College and Theological Seminary
Verve College
Vincennes University
Visible Music College
Viterbo University
Walden University
Walder Education
Walther Theological Seminary
Watson Staples College
We will eventually call ourselves the Institute of Logos
Webster University (MO)
Western Atlantic University School of Medicine
Western Governors University
Western Illinois University
Western Tech International University
Westminster College (MO)
Westpoint Flight Academy
Westwood College-Chicago Loop
Westwood College-DuPage
Westwood College-O'Hare Airport
Westwood College-River Oaks
White Knight University
Wilmette Institute
Word and Worship Ministries, International
Worsham College of Mortuary Science
Worsham College of Mortuary Science
Wright Graduate Institute
Wright Graduate University for the Realization of Human Potential
Zahra Institute
Degree Granting
Operating Authority
New Admin. Unit
Degree Level
All Degree Levels
Cert 9-29 Sem, 13-44 Qtr, or 300-899 Clock Hrs
Post-Masters Certificate
Doctoral Research
Doctoral Professional Practice
Doctoral Other
All Regions
North Suburban
Fox Valley
West Suburban
South Metro
Not sure which region?
Cip Code
CIP 2020
Type in 2, 4, or 6 digit Cip Code, for example, 52, 52.01, or 52.0101.
Degree Title Keyword
Type in a Degree Title Keyword, for example, Art, Computer, Business etc.
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